What sort of a title is that for a first post?! I'l tell you how it came to be. "Your first post should be funny, attractive, entertaining or too tragic to catch attention and sustain it". This was my first thought about my very first blog post. Sadly, I couldn't think of any thing. I'm usually not at a loss for words but i simply couldn't think of a single starting point for my, hopefully soon to be immensely popular, blogging life. Then came THE DRAFT. I have it, with all the punctuation in place, in front of me which I'm not following here. It was very neutral, almost castrated, to say the least. But at least it was a start. Travel, music, people crossed my mind as potential subjects. Places where i'v been to, places i would like to visit, people i absolutely love, people i love in bits and parts, singers, musicians, my recent infatuation with violins, everything just came crashing down inside my head. It was like pulling out a file from a huge pile of files and feeling them all falling on you.
I am scared, anxious, feeling vulnerable, as well as very very "untalented". Maybe speech is my thing. Writing's not. The scariest part is I will find this out in public. But find it I will. Hello web world and the off chance visitor.
[I would like to thank suldog, pink india ink (sadly,she has discontinued her blog), shane, thesimpledude, my husband and all the people who have motivated me to start.Most of you have done so unknowingly and might regret it.(At last, i was able to slip in a self-deprecating joke. I hope it establishes me endearing.)]