Wednesday, October 23, 2013

It applies to Diwali too....

Jim, the amazing, has started this great movement against people having to work on Thanksgiving. He, very rightly, says that this malpractice continues because of us, the customers. If we as a group decide to boycott all shops and markets, the owners of these shops will not find it viable to keep their shutters up.
The same principle applies to Diwali. Shops selling sweets, gifts, lanterns, and other such Diwali related, or not related, stuff keep business running till quite late even on Diwali night. This means that their employees too keep working at a time when everybody is enjoying with their families.
Lets decide to not support businesses on a festival eve. In fact, lets ask all the neighboring shops in our respective areas, before hand, to give an early off to their workers. Every little change in the attitude of every single person will eventually change the society as a whole.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Iv got nothing to read!!!

People, suddenly all my favorite blog writers have suddenly gotten terribly busy and that means that their usual a-post-a-day-or-in-two-days schedule has been broken. Now I cant claim to be a regular writer and not that anybody minds, including me, but these people have serious readership. Heck, the first thing I do when I get to office is check my blogger dashboard and read the latest posts. This makes me feel like a regular in blogger world. Since the past three days I've seen no new posts and the teeny-tiny voice of my conscience has been nagging me, "how can you expect people to be regular if you aren't ! They have lives too!" then it gets distracted by the psychedelic colors of my desktop wallpaper, but not for long, and starts again. "Why don't you come up with something to say once in a while? Wasn't that the whole point of starting this exercise?" Now I've heard people talk about the voice in their heads as if its a physical sound, like a song playing in their own private radio station, but this "voice" in my head doesn't sound like anything. Its just written words which pop up at the back of my mind. 
Anyways, so here I am writing about people NOT writing. It does seem like a desperate attempt of a post but I am taking this process one step at a time. Lets see, maybe one day I will awaken to the stories around me that could be told and maybe some people will look forward to my posts as I do for others'. 

P.S. - Check my list of favorite writers and tell me they are not worth waiting for!